In 1995, two former bandmates realized that they were living in the same city… Ron Taylor and Drew Jared were in two bands (BitterSweet and Stiff) that performed in dozens of clubs, from tiny no-stage dive bars where we heard “You guys can set up in the corner over there.” to large dual-stage , two-band megaclubs with a big dressing room, free drinks and a deli tray! However, after three years of nearly constant touring had left Drew exhausted and reconsidering the possibility of ever actually “making it”, he left the impoverished life of a touring rock’n’roll musician behind to attend engineering school. Ron continued the quest for something better than 6-night runs at clubs making $100 a week, and eventually joined forces with a talented guitarist from New Orleans by joining Lillian Axe, where for nearly a decade he was the lead vocalist on several successful albums and Worldwide tours.
During the middle of his decade with Lillian, Ron and Drew wrote and recorded quite a few songs and eventually released a full-length album as The Bridge. The CD was called Demo and 25 years later we’ve released a remastered version. Unfortunately, our band name has been used by well over a dozen other bands since we stopped working together, so we’ve changed our name to Infinity Bridge. The remastered CD is called Dance of Life, and will include a few previously unreleased songs, all available for streaming now on all of the major sites.
BTW a few of these original CDs (Not the remastered version) are still available along with Drew’s release with his new band Opusaria. Go to the Contact page for more info on either CD.